tiistai 16. elokuuta 2011


Heyy ! Finally writing a blog and it's completely in English. (Mind my typos and please don't whine about grammar... )

Yup so first weeks after arrival and it has been just lovely ! Scool is so EASY and people in it are just plain awesome ;) So yeah have made few lifetime friends including from STS :)

So we got snow.. It was all white yesterday and we went up the farm on some random hill with my mom's sister's family. We took quad bike, kayak and knee-board with us and drove up the hill (trust me it was kinda big hill). So we just came down the hill with kayak and knee board and it was so much fun ! We made a ramp (huge one with a damn tractor lol) and a snowman behind it.. Well you can guess how all that ended.. After that we came to our place to have cup of tea or coffee. So I went driving with Oliver (My host-cousin and he's on year 11) I took a quad bike and he took a normal 150cc bike. So everything was fine until I flipped my quad bike over few times and almost broke my wrist :D

As I'm writing this all that happened yesterday.. And I almost couldn't get up 'cause I got so sore body :D (My wrist is like 1,5 time its normal size and sore as hell..) But yeah if you aint in pain, you haven't had any fun ;)

That's all for this time hope you enjoy reading this sh*t and I guess I see you all next weekend or so :)


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